Vi uma mala linda na loja accessorize e fui ver o preço ao site. encontrei estas coisas muita giras,vou já a uma lojaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
SAGITÁRIO - Aim high your arrows, Sagittarius. As the Zodiac's Hunter Goddess, you were born on a quest for wisdom and the universal truths. You’re the eternal student, and your mind is endlessly curious, thirsting to know the why and how of any subject that fascinates you. You have a finely honed BS detector and will quickly (and publicly) cry foul if someone's being unscrupulous. Fiercely independent, you thrive as an entrepreneur or a consultant or in a job that allows room for endless creativity. You simply must be passionate about the work you do; anything less would be deadly to your pioneering spirit. Mobility and variety are essential. You're the sign of the traveler, collecting experiences, knowledge, and friends from every part of the globe. People are people as far as you're concerned, and your roster of friends is a rainbow coalition unto itself